All referrals are reviewed before patients are provided with an appointment for consultation or procedure. When scheduling an appointment or procedure with A/Prof Pavey – or one of his colleagues – we recommend you obtain a referral from your GP (family doctor) or Specialist.
All referrals are reviewed before patients are provided with an appointment for consultation or procedure.Ā Referrals are reviewed within 24 hours and are triaged according to clinical need. Your referring doctor will receive an acknowledgement of your referral as soon as it has been reviewed and you will be contacted directly by our practice.
This process ensures that all patients are clinically reviewed quickly and managed appropriately.
Before we can schedule a consultation or procedure, we also request that you (or your referring doctor) provide:
This information can be sent to us by email, fax or mail. Your referring doctor may send the referral to us directly by email, fax or mail, or also by Secure Messaging (Healthlink)
Your referral and supporting documentation is reviewed by our clinical staff, assessed for urgency and reviewed for treatment options. This assessment is usually completed within 24 hours, but may take up to 72Ā hours, not including weekends. We then contact you to arrange either 1) a consultation, or 2) a procedure.
Please ensure that you provide us with an active and current daytime contact number.